Current Position
Since 2008 Account Strategist at Google Germany GmbH.
Past Academic Positions
2005-2008 PhD Candidate at the Institute of American Studies at the University of
Hamburg/Germany. Thesis advisor: Prof. Dr. Bettina Friedl.
2006-2007 Visiting Fellow at Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
Department of English and American Literature and Language.
Advisor: Prof. Lawrence Buell. Fall term.
2003-2004 Library assistant at the University of Hamburg/Germany.
2003-2004 Research assistant to Dr. Martin Klepper at the University of Hamburg.
2001-2002 German tutor at Smith College in Nortthampton/MA.
2001 Volunteer teacher at Manjughoksha Academy in Kathmandu/Nepal.
2000-2001 Teaching assistant to Prof. Dr. Bettina Friedl at the University of Hamburg.
Academic Degrees and Programs
2008 PhD in American Studies, University of Hamburg, Germany.
2005-2007 PhD student at the Institute of American Studies at the University of
2005-2007 “Lehrqualifikation für Wissenschaft und Weiterbildung” (“Master of Higher
Education”) at the “Zentrum für Hochschul- und Weiterbildung” at the
University of Hamburg/Germany.
2006-2007 Visiting Fellow at Harvard’s Graduate School of Arts and Sciences,
Department of English and American Literature and Language.
Advisor: Prof. Lawrence Buell. Fall term.
2005 Participant of the 29th Session of the School of Criticism and Theory at
Cornell University in Ithaca/NY.
2003 Master of Arts in American Studies with minors in Journalism and Systematic
Musicology from the University of Hamburg/Germany.
2002 Participant of the Summer Writing Program at Naropa University’s Jack
Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics in Boulder/CO.
2002 Diploma in American Studies from Smith College in Northampton/MA.
2001-2002 Fulbright student at Smith College in Northampton/MA.
2000 Participant of the Summer Session at The Evergreen State College in
1997 Participant of the Summer Session at the University of California at Los
Concord in Massachusetts, Discord in the World: The Writings of Henry Thoreau and John Cage. Frakfurt/New York: Peter Lang, 2008.
Riot Grrrl: A Feminist Re-Interpretation of the Punk Narrative. Saarbrücken, Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2008.
“’Who really reads us?’ Notes from California.” RIAS: Review of International American Studies 2.1 (2007): 36-40. Online at:
“’There is music in every sound’: Thoreau’s modernist understanding of music.” COPAS: Current Objectives of Postgraduate American Studies 7 (2006). Online at:
“Review: Bormann, Hans-Friedrich Verschwiegene Stille.” Amerikastudien/American Studies (forthcoming).
“Review: Mehring, Frank Sphere Melodies.” Amerikastudien/American Studies 51.3 (2006).
Conference Papers
“Considering Soundscapes: Thoreau’s Search for Music in the Outdoors” (International Conference “Ex Uno Plures: American Studies in the Balkans”, Sarajevo/Bosnia-Herzegovina, May 23-26, 2007)
“’On Chaos, Cacaphony and Cage’: A look at John Cage’s U.S. Bicentennial composition Renga with Apartment House 1776 and the audience’s reactions to it” (ASA Annual Meeting, Oakland/CA, October 13, 2006)
“’There is music in every sound’: Thoreau’s modernist understanding of music” (Postgraduate Forum of the DGfA, Dortmund/Germany, October 29, 2005)
Invited Lectures
“Kritik und Zukunftsvision: das Amerikabild des Komponisten John Cage” (lecture course: Visions of America: Interdisziplinäre Arbeiten zu Amerikabildern in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften. Lecture series for “Allgemeines Vorlesungswesen” at the University of Hamburg/Germany, July 3, 2007)
“Asian Musical Elements in US American Compositions” (Host: Bettina Friedl, University of Hamburg, Germany, June 1, 2005)
2005-2008 Graduate Fellow of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (dissertation grant)
2005 DAAD Research Fellow at the Library of Congress
2005 Fellow of the Ditze-Stiftung at Cornell’s School of Criticism and Theory
2001-2002 Fulbright student at Smith College
2000 Finalist for the Elaine-Steinmann-Essay-Prize at the University of Hamburg
1995 Winner of the Martin Luther King Jr. Essay Contest (Southport/NC)
1995 Winner at the national competition of DECA (St.Louis/MO)
American Studies Association (ASA); Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien (DGfA); Modern Language Association (MLA); Thoreau Society; Fulbright Alumni e.V., FC St. Pauli.